Plan International Indonesia Job Vacancy : ECCD Consultant


End Evaluation:
Community Managed Early Childhood Care  & Development Project
International Indonesia; March, 2017

International Indonesia is an independent child rights and humanitarian organization
committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice.
We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 75
years, and are now active in more than 70 countries. In Indonesia, Plan
International has been working since 1969 and currently works in 7 provinces
and sponsors more than 40,000 children.Since 2011, Plan International
Indonesia has implemented the Community Managed-Early Childhood Care and
Development Project (CM-ECCD) with funding from the Australian Government
through the Plan International Australia National Office. Starting in two districts,
Sikka and Lembata, the project then extended to Timor Tengah Utara District in
2013 and since 2014 has further extended to Timor Tengah Selatan and Nagekeo
district. The most recent phase of the project (FY16 to FY17) has focused on
two outcomes which are integrated parenting activities and advocacy at
district and national level. The Plan Indonesia CM-ECCD project seeks to prove
that 100% of disadvantaged children aged birth-8 years in targeted high
poverty communities can achieve child wellbeing indicators through effective
and quality community-managed early childhood supports. The approach must be
appropriate for rural early childhood center settings; user friendly for
communities in Indonesia; and implementable through the Posyandu
(community-run health centres available in every village) and other existing
programs. In this way, Plan intends to contribute to the goals of the
Government of Indonesia to improve Holistic Integrative Early Childhood
Development outcomes (PAUD HI).2) AimThe
aim of the end evaluation is to review the CM-ECCD project of Plan Indonesia,
to establish the extent to which the project has met/or did not meet its set
objectives (as outlined above and in the Phase II project design) and to
understand how the project has contributed to change for children,
families/caregivers, Plan and partners and government.  The key areas of inquiry are the Plan
parenting program and the advocacy/influence agenda of Plan Indonesia, related
to the external policy environment for ECCD and parenting in the country. The
advancements that Plan Indonesia has made in terms of government engagement and
advocacy, and challenges faced, are of particular interest and should be
explored in depth, including through development of a case study that can be
shared externally.  It is intended that
the overall evaluation will be used as an evidence base for both successes and
challenges of the project, and will help provide a blueprint for further scale
up and replication.  Aligned with the
new Plan global strategy, it is also important to analyse to what extent the
project has been or could be gender transformative. 2.       
and the key questions
The objectives of
the evaluation are as follows:a.       
of early childhood parenting situation, this requires information on: Child
development status (cognitive, language, social/emotional) based on Child
Well-being Index priority indicators of Plan Indonesia; Parenting status and
Identification of enablers and barriers, especially for increasing quality of
parenting activities; Effectiveness, relevance and impact of the parenting
project interventions;  Issues of
equality, inclusion, participation and non-discrimination, particularly in
regards gender and disability inclusion.b.       
To evaluate the effectiveness, relevance and impact of the advocacy efforts
and their contribution to improving the external environment for children
birth-8 e.g. policy at district and village level that supports Holistic Integrated
ECCD; what programs have been conducted by partner/communities regarding
Holistic Integrated ECCD; identification of enablers and barriers, especially
for increasing access and quality of ECCD.c.       
Scaling Up and Replication: To understand the sustainability aspects (not just
activities but of impact as well), including what elements of the project need
to develop further to enhance sustainability and to identify the challenges of
sustainability, if any; To include specific recommendations on scaling up and
replication. The evaluation
design should refer to the Community Managed ECCD Project outcomes (as per
project designs for Phase I and II, with a focus on parenting and advocacy).
To assist the study team, key questions will be built around the following
Effectiveness: (a).To what
extent were the project objectives achieved/are likely to be achieved? What
are the main factors (barriers and enablers) faced in the implementation of
the project and influencing achievement/non achievement of the objectives?
(b). How well has the internal monitoring system contributed to a process of
continuous learning and adaptation during project implementation?; (c). How do
the activities at district, provincial and national levels impact on the
village level? e.g. formation of HI ECCD taskforces at district level or
District Regulations about HI ECCD; (d). How does the effectiveness of project
partners or stakeholders contribute to the project achievement? ; (e). How
effective have parent education and awareness raising activities on ECCD and
child development been i.e. what has been the impact/value of Plan’s parenting
approach? Has Plan parenting bought about behavior change and parenting
empowerment, particularly women’s empowerment and father engagement? ; (f). How
effective has the advocacy/influence agenda of Plan Indonesia been in changing
the external policy and budgetary environment for ECCD and parenting in the
country?; (g). To what extent have standard guidelines for HI-ECCD been
adopted and influenced policy, practice and budget allocation at village and
district level? In what way? Are there accountability and transparency
measures in place?; (h). What programs have been conducted by
partners/communities regarding HI-ECCD, under influence from Plan?2.       
Relevance: (a). Do the
objectives and goals of the project match with the problems or needs being
addressed? ; (b). How appropriate was the original project design for

achieving the results expected? i.e. did the project logic lead to the desired
changes?; (c). Was the implementation strategy of the project able to adapt
and respond i.e. to changes in the quality of parenting activities and raising
awareness of related stakeholders? Why/why not? How well? (d). To what extent
did the project (particularly re parenting and advocacy agenda) ‘fit’
with/complement partner government policies?3.       
Efficiency: Are the resources invested (financial and human)
justified by the achieved outcomes?4.       
Impact: (a). To what
extent has the project improved parents/caregivers quality of parenting KAP? ;
(b). What are the key outcomes for girls and boys related to healthy and
strong; happy and smart; safe and protected? (as per Child Wellbeing priority indicators);
(c). What has been the impact of community actions for child wellbeing?; (d). Do
the beneficiaries take lessons learnt from the project implementation? Do they
feel satisfied with it?; (e). To what extent has Plan integrated program
implementation and coordination within the structure of local government
administration?; (f). To what extent have local/district regulations for ECCD
been enacted in Plan target areas?  What
impact has the project had on village and district level ECCD provision?  Can this be attributed to Plan’s advocacy
agenda?; (g); How successful has Plan been in building people’s/local
government awareness about the importance and advantage of the parenting
program and HI-ECCD?; (h). What is the evidence i.e. re budgetary, policy,
human resource allocation etc.?5.       
Equality and

(a). To what extent has the project impacted the knowledge, Attitude, Practice
(KAP) of beneficiaries related to Plan’s gender house analysis which consist
of four fundamental analysis, which are: Social Relations of Gender, Gender
and Power, Accountability, Gender-based child rights violations,
Sustainability? E.g. Do ECCD taskforces promote gender equality (are there
female task force leaders, to what extent do they reflect on and engage with
gender dimensions of ECCD? Are national standard guidelines for HI-ECD gender
aware or gender transformative?); (b). What needs to change to contribute to
greater gender equality outcomes and gender transformative potential? 6.       
Sustainability and
Scaling up
(a). To what extent could the project achievements be sustained? What were the
major factors which might influence the achievement or non-achievement of
sustainability of the project?; (b). How have changes been institutionalized
at different levels?; (c). Is there any possibility of project method or
lesson learnt  being continued by
government at macro and micro level for development of a program specific for
parenting activity?; (d). Do government partners feel ownership of the project
(especially re parenting and operationalizing HI-ECCD)?; (e). Is there any
possibility of project method or lesson learnt being replicated or scaled up
by other institutions? ; (f). What is the level of involvement of
representatives of the Ministries of Health and Education, the National Family
Planning Board and other relevant government agencies in targeted province/s?;
(g). How well has Plan established and operationalized relevant government partnerships?
Methodologies to be used in the data collection and
analysis; and for discussion with stakeholdersThe
evaluation will apply combined qualitative and quantitative approach through
secondary and primary data collection. Gender-sensitive approach is compulsory
in all stage of the studies. Alternative of methods are in-depth interview,
closed questionnaire, and FGDs with various stakeholders on district,
provincial levels and national level, community groups, representatives of
business and academic, etc. Capturing the voice of children in child friendly
ways, and also women, is compulsory. Applicants should outline in more detail
the methodology, including response to key questions outlined above and any
other proposed key research questions.Case
studies- Up to 3 case studies should be collected that reflect on change as a
result of the project.  This should
include a detailed case study on the integration of Plan’s parenting program
with that of the government, the process, challenges, lessons learnt and way
forward etc. – with a view to also making this case study relevant for other
Plan ECCD projects. This case study should also reflect on how successful
Plan’s advocacy/influence agenda has been or can be on improving child
wellbeing. Other suggestions for case studies include father engagement, girls
and/or women’s empowerment.Location
: Nagekeo District, Sikka District, Lembata District, Timor Tengah Selatan
District, Timor Tengah Utara District, Provincial level and National level
of Work
consultant is expected to form a team for the evaluation and manage
coordination and communication with Plan International Indonesia. Tasks and
responsibilities of the consultant are as follows: (example)1.       
that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the evaluation2.       
tools to be used in the evaluation, including sampling frame and quality
control scheme and discuss the suggestion with Plan International Indonesia 3.       
a data entry system and management 4.       
field research/evaluation implementation 5.       
for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the research,
informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the
research/evaluation 6.       
with project management during field research implementation 7.       
compile and analyses all data (gender and age disaggregated) gathered and
develop a draft and then a final report (including all findings and
keep all information provided by Plan International Indonesia as well as the
findings of the research/evaluation confidential.5.       
consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:·         
protocol specifying a detailed study work plan and proposed study tools that
will be discussed and agreed upon prior to field activity·         
of initial findings to Project team and MER&D department team, after field
activities have been concluded (narrative and PowerPoint version)·         
reports in Bahasa and English in two weeks’ time after field activities have
been concluded·         
of draft and reporting data flow diagram to Plan International Indonesia for
discussion and feedback·         

of a comprehensive final report in Bahasa and English two week after receiving
feedback from Plan International Indonesia·         
of filled-in questionnaires (if available), interview transcripts and
attendance lists, photos with informative subtitles and other valuable study
materials (For Plan International Indonesia Documentation)·         
on finding and recommendations in dissemination workshop·         
– Produce Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material, e.g.
infographic, that will be used for advocacy purpose6.       

Period (tentative) Activity
1 – 13 April 2017 Selection of consultant- Agreement signed
10 – 22 April 2017 Draft design and
tools for end evaluation
24 April – 21 May 2017 Conduct end evaluation (training enumerator, data collection and
30 May 2017 Reporting
9 June 2017 Dissemination workshop of evaluation result


and child protection statementsThe
consultant team and Plan International staff have to adhere to Plan
International Child Protection Policy. The consultant team must follow Ethical
Principles for involving human subjects in research and obtain written/ verbal
consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder must be sought if the
children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of
each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining purpose of the
study and its usage. Training on this will be part of the training provided
for the survey team.8.       
criteria for evaluators
The evaluation has
to be led by a highly qualified research consultant with strong capacity in conducting
gender sensitive studies. Consultant/s interested in submitting a proposal
should meet the following criteria:1.       
equal composition of qualified academic background, knowledge, experience and
capacity to manage the study2.       
experience in at least 3 comparable evaluations/end line surveys, preferably
in the area of ECCD project intervention or in a relevant area3.       
experience in managing studies in the context of Child or human rights in the area
of ECCD, education, gender, community empowerment approaches or in other
relevant areas4.       
knowledge of the study areas 5.       
knowledge and understanding of the political and policy context in Indonesia,
preferably in the area of ECCD.6.       
of developing, managing and/or evaluating advocacy projects7.       
of project management structures and change management concepts8.       
Ability to work in a focused manner and
to agreed timelines.    9.       
in report writing, both in Bahasa and English10.    
of working with participatory methodologies11.    
experience in disseminating research findingsMinimum
requirement for data collectors (where applicable): High demonstrated

experience in undertaking research; Demonstrated experience of data
collection; Excellent analytical skills; Good team work; Commitment in
promoting participation of vulnerable groups9.       
First step: Consultant send application to: [email protected]
 and cc. to [email protected];
[email protected];

before 11 AM, 3 April 2017 by enclosing the following required documents:1.       
Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant). 2.       
containing two parts:a.       
Technical Proposal comprising the
description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling design, data
collection technique), and implementation plan which includes study schedule
and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate
understanding of study ethic, qualification of study team members and their
CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant should also describe
her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and financial and technical
capacity (Ms. Words or pdf format)b.       
Budget Proposal comprising
details of budget plan such as consultant and team’s fees, transportation,
stationeries and other survey necessities. (Ms. Excel format)c.       
of previous research or survey reportSecond Step: Based on received proposals, Plan
International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite them to present
their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards proceed with
selecting and appointing a consultant.Only shortlisted
consultant will be contacted for recruitment.

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