Consultancy Services in the Preparation of Action Plans for Priority Sectors of Low Carbon Programs in the RPJMN (2025-2029)
The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office of the UK Government (FCDO) in collaboration with the Development and Planning Ministry (Bappenas) and the Government of Indonesia, have developed a partnership agreement in the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) since 2017. The first phase of LCDI was implemented in 2017-2021. Currently, the programme has entered LCDI Phase 2 (LCDI2) for four years. The LCDI Phase 1 focused on the preparation and implementation of the first national low-carbon development plan for Indonesia. One of the major milestones in LCDI Phase 1 is the Government of Indonesia launched a UK-funded report called “Low Carbon Development: A Paradigm Shift Towards a Green Economy in Indonesia” (the LCDI Report). This report has been successfully incorporated into the national Medium-Term Development (RPJMN) 2020-2024.
Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPML) has recently contracted by FCDO, with British Embassy Jakarta (BEJ) as its client service, as the Supplier to deliver and manage programme implementation of LCDI2 in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia (GoI), primarily Bappenas, along with relevant line ministries and the pilot provinces of the Programme. This programme will support implementation of the LCDI at both the national and subnational level to support the Government meet its emissions reductions targets in Indonesia’s medium term development plan. In specific, the programme covers:
- Building political support for low-carbon development within and outside of government
- Building knowledge and understanding of the LCDI approach among those who would be responsible for implementing it within GoI
- Supporting implementation of the LCDI approach, especially through provincial and national development plans
- Raising ambition to the highest levels set out in the LCDI report
From 2017 to 2021, the LCDI Program completed its first phase and is now moving into its second phase for the period 2023-2027. The focus of this second phase is to promote the implementation of the LCDI Program by aligning emission reduction targets, emission intensity, and green economic growth within national and sub-national development planning, funding, and implementation. Therefore, it is crucial to develop detailed transition strategies for each key sector to support Indonesia’s sustainable development goals, particularly in reducing GHG emissions and building resilience to the impacts of climate change.
These transition strategies must consider four main frameworks: regulations, institutional arrangements, funding and investment, and a clear and measurable implementation timeline. With a 20-year long-term plan outlined in the RPJPN 2025-2045, each stage of the transition should be translated into detailed and inclusive planning, occurring every five years in accordance with the RPJMN periodization. This approach must be accompanied by measurable achievement strategies, monitorable outputs, and structured implementation locations and timelines. Bappenas will use these transition strategies as a foundation to guide policy dialogue at the planning level and to achieve development targets set by the relevant technical ministries overseeing priority sectors within the LCDI Program. This process is expected to enable each sector to make an optimal contribution toward achieving GHG emission reduction targets and supporting sustainable development in Indonesia.
This Terms of Reference (ToR) has been prepared as a framework for the procurement of consultancy services that will collaborate with the LCDI Team and Bappenas to develop transition stages and detailed action plans for the priority sectors of the low carbon program in the RPJMN 2025-2029. The selected consultants will report to Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPML), the implementing agency for the LCDI Program.
- Developing detailed transition stages for each priority sector of the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI), which will be integrated into the RPJMN 2025-2029.
- Creating a detailed and measurable sectoral action plan through inclusive planning within five-year periods.
- Identifying the required output designs (RO) for each sector to accelerate Indonesia’s transition to Net Zero Emissions by 2060.
Scope of Works
The scope of this activity includes the analysis and development of strategies for the priority sectors of the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI): Forestry, Agriculture, Marine, Waste, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), and Transportation. Each sector will have defined transition stages, a five-year action plan, and strategies formulated considering supporting factors and measurable outputs.
Expected Result / Output
The expected outputs / results from the procurement of these services include a transition stage plan and action plans for priority sectors to support the implementation of the RPJPN 2025-2045, presented in a report accompanied by a matrix detailing activities, outputs, and timelines. The agency / organization will produce the following deliverables:
- Inception Report – Including methodology, a detailed work plan, and team mobilization (Week 1).
- Sectoral Transition Stage Reports for each sector (Forestry, Agriculture, Marine, Waste, IPPU, and Transportation) – Outlining the five-year transition stages from 2025 to 2045 and the action plans for that period (Weeks 2 – 6).
- Detailed Action Plans – Annual work plans identifying key actions, supporting factors, and timelines for each sector (Weeks 4 – 7).
- Final Report – Including the final transition strategy and action plans, incorporating stakeholder input (Week 8).
How to Apply
Please refer to the attached ToR for the supply of the services.
lease submit proposal for each ToR separately including financial proposal to [email protected] along with company registration by 23:00 11 November 2024. The financial proposal should be quoted in IDR and should be inclusive of any additional overhead, taxes, VAT and Indirect costs.